The taller ones the low cost of these models may be an agreeable tradeoff.
Types of fridge freezers.
For those who tend to freeze leftovers in high volume or exist on freezer food this type of fridge may be ideal.
They consist of a top fridge unit and bottom freezer unit although you can find models where these are the other way around.
Upright freezers are of three main types.
Stacked fridge freezer with freezer above or below the refrigerator.
However an upright freezer is worth the money.
Freestanding fridge freezers are the most popular type as well as being the cheapest and easiest to install.
The development of small portable freezers has made it possible to transport items in danger of spoiling without the mess and inconvenience of a cooler filled with ice.
Usually coming complete with a freezer inside a compact refrigerator is a great space saving option that can provide many of the same.
An upright freezer costs twice as much as the chest freezer.
Tried and true this is the classic refrigerator style that s been a kitchen mainstay for decades.
These fridges are essentially wider than usual fridges split in half with one half being the fridge side and the other being the freezer side.
Whether you live in a small apartment or are looking for something to fit in a bedroom office or dorm room a compact fridge is a great alternative.