This is a video on joining cast iron pipe to abs with a few tips to make it easier.
Threaded pipe connecting to cast iron soil pipe shall be made up with.
Specification for coupling for use in connection with hubless cast iron soil pipe and fittings for sanitary and storm drain waste and vent piping.
Compression gaskets for cast iron soil pipe shall be neoprene marked as such with astm c 564.
706 5 hubless cast iron soil pipe system di 706 5 1 joints for hubless cast iron soil pipe shall be made.
This is a video on joining cast iron pipe to abs with a few tips to make it easier.
The thickness or material in the wall of any type of drainage or vent piping is not sufficient enough to form a tapped thread.
The conventional cast iron soil pipe joint is made with fiber and lead caulking the tool used to form a solid metal insert in a cast iron lead joint is a tool.
Compression type gasket for joining hub and spigot cast iron soil pipe may be used for drainage and waste systems above and below ground.
Hubless cast iron piping shall be supported every other joint unless over feet in length then it shall be provided with support at every joint.
It is permitted to drill and tap a vent pipe to connect an indirect waste pipe.
However the waste pipe exits the building does a 90 turn and then enters the cast iron soil pipe in the conservatory.
The elastomeric gasket shall comply with astm c564.
Connecting a soil pipe to.
Our drainage sales expert explains how to connect a 110ml pvc soil pipe into older materials such as cast iron and asbestos cement.
I m thinking that my only way out of this is to cut the join outside by the soil pipe clear down the blockage and then replace the pipe between where it exits the building and joins the soil pipe.
2 2 1 the sealing sleeve shall be made of a compound containing a high quality elastomer.
The plied up target thickness shall be.
Cast iron rubber bushings or donuts are inserted into the wide mouth opening of the installed cast iron pipe and allow you to insert a pvc or steel pipe into the center of the cast iron pipe without the need to use lead and oakum which would melt the pvc or not join well to the steel or brass pipe you are inserting.
No drainage or vent piping shall be drilled and tapped for the purpose of making connections thereto and no cast iron soil pipe shall be threaded.
Measureto determine the original plied up thickness to.
Hubless cast iron pipe and fittings shall be clean and free of dirt mud sand and foreign materials.