New light of myanmar daily.
The global new light of myanmar pdf download.
Myanmar nationals including its seafarers arrived back home by a relief flight of myanmar national airlines yesterday night after they were stranded in australia due to suspension of international flight.
The president of the republic of the union of myanmar has confirmed professor dr khin zaw university.
The return of 141 myanmar citizens was arranged by myanmar embassy in canberra.
Classified and annotated links to more than 60 000 full text documents on burma myanmar.
Bagan cultural heritage zone a unesco world heritage site was eerily empty due to the tight restriction period of the pandemic and it has now received about 450 pilgrims per day on average according to shwezigon pagoda board of trustees.
Originally established on 12th january 1964 as the working people s daily the global new light of myanmar is myanmar s oldest english daily.
215 myanmar migrant workers from thailand return home through myawady border on 18 september september 19 2020 a total of 215 myanmar migrant workers 133 males and 82 females returned home through the thai myanmar friendship bridge no.
Republic of the union of myanmar amyotha hluttaw notification 3 2020 2nd waxing of first waso 1382 me 21 june 2020 summoning second amyotha hluttaw s 17th regular session in accord with section 155 of the constitution of the republic of the union of myanmar and section 35 of the 2012 amyotha hluttaw law and rule 3.
The upgrade of the main jetty of pathein town in ayeyawady region has finished 91 per cent and the construction is slated to complete in july end said u sein lwin head of directorate of water resources and improvement of river systems dwir.
On arrival at the airport the ministry of labour immigration and population.
In addition the environment natural resources terrestrial on ground underground and aquatic inland and coastal and maritime abroad have made myanmar a bountiful land of great attraction so much so that myanmar.
Earlier the historical temples in the ancient city were packed with a large number of.