0 88 3 enhanced hammer.
Sylveon gx deck list.
Straight gardevoir sylveon tag team 33 03 35 07.
My variant of dreaded sylveon gx deck using the much needed gumshoos and running low items against garbodor and vileplume item threats.
Check out our dragon ball super channel the mafuba.
0 16 4 crushing hammer.
0 39 1 field.
Welcome to deck tech thursday.
0 06 oranguru 0 02 0 01.
Competitors at the pokémon trading card game frankfurt regional championships battled using the standard format.
0 41 omastar 0 38 1 41.
0 22 1 counter catcher.
Gardevoir gx has shown up at worlds with two partners either sylveon gx or as in cody s deck diancie evolving up to the stage 2 gardevoir gx is key and diancie can help move the process along with its sparkling wish attack cody also runs gallade a great pairing with the octillery in this deck cody can stack the top of his deck to his liking with gallade s premonition ability then draw.
Pokémon trading card game deck list pokémon 18 4 eevee sum 101 2 oranguru upr 114 3 flabébé fli 84 3 floette fli 85 1 sylveon fli 87 2 sylveon gx gri 92 3 florges fli 86 trainer cards 28 2 acerola bus 112 2 bodybuilding dumbbells bus 113 1 counter catcher cin 91 2 cynthia upr 119 1 diantha fli 105 1 field.
1 16 4 sylveon gx.
0 35 mega lopunny jigglypuff gx 0 62 0 90.
5 71 4 00 gardevoir sylveon gx 12 88 17 48.
15 84 trainer 47 1 bill s analysis.
This week is a standard sylveon gx deck.
Wait but it s wednesday.
Browse home decks standard sylveon sylveon 31 format.
Nov 15 2018 pokemon 8 4 eevee.
0 12 xerneas gx 0 31 0 32.
Find out about the pokemon tcg meta decks and look through the latest tournament decklists.
0 57 2 bodybuilding dumbbells.
Standard grant shen 2019 pokémon world championships senior division 2nd place deck date.
Aug 18 2019 pokemon 4 4 gardevoir sylveon gx.
Browse home decks browse gardevoir sylveon gx by grant shen gardevoir sylveon gx by grant shen.
0 71 lugia gx 3 83 2 34.