Wattage of luminaries is 250 watt lamp out put ll is 33200 lumen required lux level eh is 5 lux coefficient of utilization factor.
Street lighting design calculation.
For a 230 volts system a voltage drop of 5 is allowed although in extreme cases 15 voltage drop is sometimes tolerated.
After calculation of the intensity we put all the.
Street illumination level in lux e al x cu x mf w.
Typical calculation of road lighting.
Luminaries are properly selected and mounted on a location most feasible and effective with minimum cost.
Street lighting is to be designed using the illuminance method for calculations prepared with agi32 software.
Calculate voltage drop of cable for street lighting poles voltage is 230 400 v 3ph power factor is 0 85 allowable voltage drop up to 3 max.
1 calculate distance between each street light pole.
Also excel file attached.
Street lighting schemes never brings the same appearance of daylight but provide sufficient light for people to see important objects required for traversing the road.
This voltage drop calculations is valid for street lighting landscape lighting and site lighting using table mv a m and r x method for single three phase.
The top standard of road lighting design is rp 8 00 which is published by ies american standard.
Luminaire of each pole.
This calculations based on high pressure sodium hps lamp type which is.
Street lighting design in lighttools 2 how street lighting calculations are performed slu assumes that street lamps are far away from the surface that they illuminate so their intensity distributions positions and orientations are the only required data to calculate the test metrics in addition to the rtable.
Digital design files from agi32 are to be provided to the city along with line loss.
Many parameters shall be considered in road lighting calculations this post only provide brief of this calculations by both manual and software methods the following procedure for software only.
Calculate distance between each streetlight pole having following details road details.