The m series family of azure virtual machines are memory optimized and are ideal for heavy in memory workloads such as sap hana.
Storage optimized vm series is ideal for medium to large caches.
This is a best value in a price performance and azure portal based on azure compute units which are acus.
Examples include cassandra mongodb cloudera and redis.
L series ls lsv2 lsv2.
Ideal for vms running databases.
Available with single or multiple gpus.
Great for relational database servers medium to large caches and in memory analytics.
Azure e series optimized for in memory hyper threaded applications the e series family of azure virtual machines are optimized for heavy in memory applications such as sap hana.
2 minutes to read.
Great for relational database servers medium to large caches and in memory analytics.
High disk throughput and io ideal for big data sql nosql databases data warehousing and large transactional databases.
Great for relational database servers medium to large caches and in memory analytics.
This article provides information about the number of vcpus data disks and nics as well as storage throughput and network bandwidth for each size in this grouping.
Available with single or multiple gpus.
Gpu vms are specialized virtual machines targeted for heavy graphics rendering and video editing.
Azure has segmented its compute offering in several virtual machine types or series which represent a group of sizes with a similar compute purpose.
Storage optimized virtual machine sizes.
The fv2 series are based on intel xeon platinum 8168 processors.
Medium to large caches and in memory analytics.
Storage optimized vm sizes offer high disk throughput and io and are ideal for big data sql nosql databases data warehousing and large transactional databases.
High disk throughput and io.
Memory optimized vm sizes offer a high memory to cpu ratio that is great for relational database servers medium to large caches and in memory analytics.
Specialized virtual machines targeted for heavy graphic rendering and video editing.
Ideal for big data sql and nosql databases.
Ideal for big data sql and nosql databases.
The m series offer up to 4 tb of ram on a single vm.
Remember the optimized vm sizes offer a high memory to cpu ratio that are great for relational database servers medium and large caches and in memory analytics.
These vms are set up with high memory to core ratios which makes them well suited for relational database servers with medium to large caches and in memory analytics.
These vms are designed to have high disk throughput and io.
High disk throughput and io.
Ideal for big data sql nosql databases data warehousing and large transactional databases.